Title: Sex, Lies & Nikolai
Genre: Mafia Romance/ Dark Romance
Rating: 5 Lazy Books
Poverty is a bitch, and life isn’t a fairy tale.
College was never in my cards.
Jobs will never come easy to find.
There is no Prince Charming itching to rescue me.
I’m completely alone, destitute and destined to struggle until the end of my days.
Destined to be sucked into a world of debt because as much as I’m pushing away the only option that sits in front of me, it’s truly the only one I have:
Nikolai is my only hope.
Problem is, he's a dangerous Russian with a questionable past, and I find out soon enough just how far I must go to **earn** his help.
“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray