Title: Witched at Birth (A Paris, Texas Romance Book 1)
Genre: Light-hearted Romance/Romantic Comedy/Paranormal Romance
Rating: 5 Lazy Books
A small town, a parole officer, and the blazing Texas heat, all wrapped up in a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy from USA Today bestselling romantic comedy author, Dakota Cassidy. Paris, Texas will never be the same after not-so-good witch Winnie serves out her parole with determination...determination to get out of this small town and back to the 'real world'.
Witched At Birth will keep you turning the pages of this paranormal contemporary romance as you discover the secret hiding in the shadowy corners of Paris...Texas that is!
Freshly sprung from witch jail, Winnie Foster just has to fulfill the conditions of her parole and she's home free.
Too bad that parole takes place in Paris. (Texas!) Where she'll work at a school for the magically inclined. (KIDS!) And be forced to endure the ex, who's one of the very reasons she landed in the pokey to begin with. (GAH!!)
Bratty tots, sexy ex, timed showers, creepy dolls, magic restrictions, and a GPS with an attitude, all wrapped in a Texas town hotter than the surface of the sun? Oh yeah. No way this could go wrong!
“A love of books, of holding a book, turning its pages, looking at its pictures, and living its fascinating stories goes hand-in-hand with a love of learning.”
― Laura Bush
My Lazy Thoughts:
This book is a great read. Aside from Robyn Peterman, Dakota Cassidy has now become my favorite author when it comes to lighthearted paranormal romance.
So Witched at Birth is about Winnie Foster, a witch who had been jailed for nine months when she blew up her ex-boyfriend Ben's office building.
Baba Yaga, her ex-boyfriend's aunt and jailor, granted her and her best friend Zelda parole in exchange of separate community services.
Winnie ended up in Paris, Texas where - surprise, surprise! - Ben is currently residing too.
I love how this book is peppered with hilarious characters. From fashion-challenged Baba Yaga to creepy cabbage patch doll Icabod - there's never a dull moment in the story.
My favorite aspect though is Winnie's personal journey. From a narcissistic, self-serving witch, she turned into a caring, selfless person who wanted to make up for her past transgressions. Her character development was truly awesome.
For me, that - along with a smooth plot - is what makes a novel well-written. And Witched at Birth definitely is!
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